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Showing posts from January, 2017

2017 Security and Critical Infrastructure Teleconference with Robert McCreight Recap

On January 24, 2017, The Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies held our first 2017 Security and Critical Infrastructure Teleconference: Innovation for Infrastructure Resilience featuring Dr. Robert McCreight, C-PET Senior Fellow, Senior Consultant with Global Concepts & Communications, LLC, and author among other titles of An Introduction to Emergency Exercise Design and Evaluation . What follows is a lightly-edited transcript of the teleconference, and should not be quoted without confirmation from the relevant participant. Innovation for Infrastructure Resilience: Conversation with Dr. Nigel Cameron and Dr. Robert McCreight Nigel Cameron Introduction: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to welcome you to this conference this afternoon. My name is Nigel Cameron from the Center for Policy on Emerging Technologies in Washington, D.C. and this kicks off our short series of conferences on critical infrastructure security issues. You’re invited t...

Contributing to our Global and Local Societies by Vint Cerf

Members of our network may recall that Senior Fellow Dr. Nagy Hanna was a founding member of the secretariat for the People-Centered Internet project, chaired by internet founder-visionary and Google evangelist Vint Cerf.  We are pleased to share this recent commentary from Vint Cerf.  Those of us with a long history of working with the Internet have been enthusiastic supporters of its continued spread, evolution and accessibility. We have been driven by a belief that it can be a strong contributor to a better society for everyone on the planet. As Shakespeare reminds us, however, humans are what they are, with their peculiar mix of strengths and frailties. We are, in some sense, the Internet or at least what we have made of it and will make of it in the future. Knowing that it can be and has been used for harmful purposes is a painful reminder that Lincoln’s “angels of our better nature” are sometimes countered by devils we wish were less apparent. All this und...

Your Move, California: framing the US agenda for the 21st century

Enjoy my latest op-ed, which appears in today’s San Francisco Chronicle . Please send your comments to the Chronicle (link below). Your move, California: framing the US agenda for the 21st century By Nigel M. de S. Cameron When Gov. Jerry Brown hit the headlines with “California will launch its own damn satellite,” he struck more gold than he may have realized. Now ranked the world’s sixth-largest economy, the Golden State is uniquely placed to offer much broader leadership than simple push-back against the incoming administration’s take on climate science. What’s more, it will be a shame if mere anti-Trump partisanship overshadows a larger opportunity. America desperately needs future-minded leadership. What does the future hold? How should we prepare? Those are questions on which Washington – Trump and anti-Trump, GOP and Democrat, left, right and center – continues to manifest overwhelming indifference. Without exception, the presidential candidates and their th...