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Showing posts from February, 2017

Mastering Digital Transformation: Towards a Smarter Society, Economy, City, and Nation

We are very pleased to share with you this essay from our C-PET colleague Dr. Nagy Hanna, based on his recent book Mastering Digital Transformation . Drawing on his lifetime’s experience with the World Bank he sets ICT transformation in a global perspective. Mastering Digital Transformation: Towards a Smarter Society, Economy, City, and Nation (Emerald, 2016) by Nagy K. Hanna Digital technologies have yet to deliver significantly and equitably for developing countries. Why? How can policy makers harness the digital revolution for accelerated development? This is the focus on my recent book, Mastering Digital Transformation: Towards a smarter society, economy, city and nation (Emerald, 2016). The book emphasizes digital transformation as the key to reap the promised benefits of the ongoing technological revolution. Accordingly, digital transformation is not a technological fix, a blueprint plan, a one-off event, or a one-size-fits-all strategy. Rather, it is a socia...

Interview with Dr. James Giordano

As we welcome Dr. James Giordano to our network of C-PET Senior Fellows, I took the opportunity to pose him a series of questions about neuroscience and its applications and implications. His wide-ranging replies (with notes attached for those who wish to read further) are pasted below and offer a striking series of insights into some of the most exciting – and consequent – science of the 21st century. Dr. Nigel Cameron: President and CEO INTERVIEW WITH DR. JAMES GIORDANO NC Jim, we’re delighted to have you as part of our C-PET network! Your bio spans quite a range of “neuro” issues – from basic research, to ethics, to defense applications, and more. Can you introduce yourself a little, and talk about how you see your various responsibilities fitting together? JG Thanks, Nigel; it’s an honor and pleasure to be part of the C-PET network. A bit of background. I am a neuroscientist and have worked primarily at the interface of basic to translational research, studying m...